How to get rid of razor bumps

Someone asked me the other day how to get rid of razor bumps. I pointed them to my post on this website - Razor bumps cure. They read the post and bought the book I recommended in that post and have now just started reading it. This is very interesting for me as I am able to document someone using the steps in real time, currently for you guys. No doubt I will be publishing the results if they give me the permission to show their face on my website.

Anyway, it got me thinking, many people may come to this website and see the page, and read it like a story and not actually get any value from that post. So I decided to write a separate post entitled “how to get rid of razor bumps”. The easiest way I know to write this is to offer a list of actions to take to help get rid of razor bumps. Having said that, it all depends on what type of razor bumps you are trying to get rid of. For example, you may have bumps on your chin, legs, armpits or pubic area.

For this blog post, I am posting specifically for men that have razor bumps in the chin area, but some of the steps are also valid for any razor bumps.

Grow out your beard

This is the one surefire way to get rid of razor bumps - by not using razor, or anything for that matter to shave. That is, not shaving at all. If you leave your beard to grow, you will get some discomfort originally as ingrown hairs originally grow out of your skin. Once you have no ingrown hairs left to cause razor bumps, you are free forever. As long as you don't shave close to your skin, but rather trim your beard, then you are golden.


If you must shave, make sure you shave regularly and consider exfoliating your beard area either with salt products, or a natural sponge. Regular exfoliation helps remove the layer of dead skin that may harbour bacteria and other germs that may eventually lead to razor bumps. Besides, they may block the pores and cause ingrown hairs, which may then become infected.

Topical Cream and lotions

In more extreme cases, you may want to consult your doctor or pharmacist to prescribe you some cream or lotion containing glycolic acid to help reduce inflammation. You may also want to obtain from them some antibiotic cream or lotion (or pill), that will help kill off the existing bacteria in the case of a more extensive infection.

Shave correctly

Shave in the direction of beard growth not against it. This is known as shaving along the grain. I made a video about shaving in the direction of hair growth that explains this.

General hygiene

Keeping clean, taking regular showers or washing the face and beard area regularly with warm water and soap will help reduce the possibility of bacterial infection. Also remember to rinse out the nostrils and back of the neck with antiseptic soap as the Pseudofolliculitis Barbae causing germs also hide out in the nose and other regions of the body. Make sure you clean your bedsheets, pillowcases, clothes and towels using antibacterial detergents and wash at very high temperatures to ensure germs are killed off effectively.

That’s basically it! Hope you found that useful. If you are having trouble getting rid of bumps or you have a more extreme case, be sure to check out my post Razor Bumps Cure.


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