Original Magic Shaving Powder - Its Magic!
I've never used this product. Let's get that out of the way. How then can I review it, let alone give it 5 stars? Good question.
All along when I used to struggle with razor bumps, I never even considered using something I knew worked. My dad has used this product all his life and I tell you I've never noticed a single bump on the man. I had always wondered why I didn't inherit his bumplessness, but it turned out it wasn't genetic after all.
Because of the way this product works, [it is a depilatory], it makes the formation of ingrown hairs almost impossible. So why did I not use it? I didn't like the smell so much. But you know what?, given the choice between bumps and a bit of foul smell in the morning, I'd chose the smell any day.
Thankfully I don't have bumps anymore, so I don't have to worry about that. Also, I realise Magic has tried to deal with the smell issue by releasing a whole range of variants of this product, some with scents that attempt to cover the foul smell, however, because my dad is old school, he only uses the Original Magic Shaving Powder, nothing else. I have basically seen the product work wonders all my life, so for this reason it's getting a 5 star rating from me.
Thanks for reading.
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